В. Г. Гузев. Избранное

484 В. Г. Гузев. Избранное: К 80-летию The Old Turkic consonantal dualism is of great interest from a phono- logical point of view. In the Turkic languages the lingual distinctive features (velarized or palatalized, back or front) usually belong to the vowels, not to the consonants. It is the vowel of the initial syllable (quite often occurring as the first sound of the word) that determines the synharmonic row of all units (phones) of the given word or word form. According to N. S. Trubetz- koy: “Da der Konsonant j keine palatalisierten bzw. velarisierten Spielarten aufweist und viele Worter nur aus Vokalen und j bestehen ( aj “Mond”, aju “Bär” usw.), so können die Vokalphoneme auch unabhängig von der kon- sonantischen Umgebung eine bestimmte Eigentoneigenschaft aufweisen, während die Konsonanten nur in Verbindung mit Vokaleu palatalisiert bzw. velarisiert sind... Daher sind die Eigentongegensätze bei den Vokalen pho- nematisch, wobei die palatalisierten und velarisierten Spielarten der Konso- nanten nur komhinatorische Varianten <...> darstellen” 1 . At the same time, N. S. Trubetzkoy was the first to put forth the thesis that a native speaker seeks to reflect in the script he uses just the phonemes, being normally unconscious of the phoneme variants, i.e. of the units ofthe subphonemic level 2 . This point is in fair accord with the treatment of the phoneme as a gederalized sound representation, das “psychische Äquivalent des Sprachlautes” [(J. Baudouin de Courtenay) 3 , i .e. as an abstraction com- ing into being in the individual linguistic structure of the man on the basis of some concrete class of functionally equivalent minimum sound segments (phones) occurring in the speech 4 . As appears from the above phonological theses, in the script under scru- tiny we encounter, first, a typical hypergraphy (notation of subphonological units) and, as a consequence of it, a bulky allography (the use of two or more alternate signs to render one phoneme), 5 second, if the inventor of the script was a Turk, he had to be guided by the qualities of the vowels in order to represent the vowel harmony, not by these of consonants. And if we assume that the script had been produced by non-Turks (be- cause only a. foreigner might have distinguished between velarized and pala- 1 Trubetzkoy N. S. Grundzüge der Phonologie. Prague, 1939. P. 251. 2 Trubetzkoy N. S. Les systèmes phonologiques envisagés en euxmêmes et dans leurs mpports avec la structure générale de la langue. Actes du deucxième Congrès international de linguistes. Genève 25–29 aoôt 1931. Paris, 1933. P. 121–122. 3 Trubetzkoy N. S. Grundzüge der Phonologie…, p. 37. 4 See: Касевич В. Б. Фонологические проблемы общего и восточного языкозна- ния. М., 1983. Р. 33–67. 5 Shorto H. L. The Interpretation of Archaic Writing Systems // Lingua. Vol. 14. 1965. P. 88–97.