Diakov Nikolay N.


Дьяков Н.Н.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11, Office 20, 179


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  • Professor (1996),
  • Chair, Department of Middle East History, University of St.Petersburg (1990).


  • Russian (native),
  • Arabic,
  • English,
  • French 


  • 1970-1976: MA Program in History of the Arab Countries, Faculty of Asian and African Studies
  • 1979: Post-Graduate Program in History. University of Algiers. Modern History of Algeria.
  • 1976-1979: PhD Program in History of Asian and African Countries, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU, PhD Thesis: “The Young Algerians in Political Life of Colonial Algeria in Late 19th — Early 20th CC.” (Institute for Oriental Studies, Moscow, November 1980).    

Professional positions:

  • 1980-1985: Deputy Dean, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, SPbSU
  • 1981-1995: Associate Professor, Department of Middle East History, Faculty of Asian and African Studies
  • 1990-2017: Chair, Department of Middle East History, Faculty of Asian and African Studies
  • 1996-2017: Full Professorship, Department of Middle East History, Faculty of Asian and African Studies

Awards and honours:

  • Memorial Medal. 1000 Anniversary of Kazan, 2005.
  • Memorial Medal. 150 Anniversary of the Faculty of Asian and African Studies. SPbSU, 2006.

Professional and social activities:

  • Member of the European Union of Arabic and Islamic Studies (UEAI -1994-2017)
  • Member of the Russian Association of Oriental Studies (1984-2017)
  • Member of the Russian Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society ((2012-2017)
  • Member of the Academic Council, SPbSU (1997-2017)
  • Member of the Russian Geographical Society (2000-2017)
  • Visiting Professor, Researcher, University of Alcala-de-Henares, Spain (2002-2003)
  • Member of Executive Council, the International Conference on Historiography and Source Studies in Asia and Africa, Saint-Petersburg, SPbSU (2003-2017)
  • Board Member, International Conference “Russia and the Arab World. 200 Anniversary of Professor Sheikh Mohammed Ayadh at-Tantawi, 1810-1861” SPbSU, 2010
  • Member, Editorial Board, “Vestnik of the Saint- Petersburg University” (since 2009)

Research interests:

  • History;
  • Geography;
  • Ethnology;
  • Culture & Religion in the Middle East & North Africa;
  • Russia and the Arab World.


  • History of the Arab Countries (Modern and Contemporary periods);
  • Geography of the Arab Countries;
  • Medieval and Modern History of the Arab Maghreb;
  • History and Culture of the Muslim Spain – Al-Andalus;
  • Russia and the Arab World;
  • Concepts of Modern Asian and African Studies.

PhD students:

  • 1994-2017 — over 15 PhD students in History of the Arab World and in History of the Russian-Arab Relations (Modern and Contemporary periods) — from Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Israel and Palestine.

Publications: 200 articles, reviews, translations etc. in Russian, Arabic, English, French and Spanish, including 5 monographs


  • The Young Algerians and Anticolonial Movement in Algeria in Late 19th-Early 20th C. Moscow, 1985. 190 p.
  • Morocco: History, Culture, Religion. St.Petersburg, 1993.
  • Russia, West and Muslim East in Colonial Epoch. St.Petersburg, 1996. (Co-author.).
  • The Muslim Maghrib. Sherifs, Tarikats, Marabuts in the Medieval and Modern History of North Africa. St.Petersburg, 2008.
  • Russia and the East. 3 eds.: St.Petersburg, 2000, 2002, 2011. (Co-author.)

Selected List of Articles:

  • Ibn Zayyat’s “At-Tashawwuf” and the Moroccan Hagiography in the 11th-13th CC. Historiography of Asia and Africa. N13, Leningrad,1990. (In Russian).
  • The Arab West in the Works of St.Petersburg’s Scholars. An-Nafidha. N3. Damascus, 1991. (In Arabic).
  • Les confréries religieuses du Maghreb et du Caucase du Nord comme facteur ethno-social a l’époque de l’expansion étrangère. Ethnic Encounter and Culture Change. Bergen, 1997. (In French).
  • Arabia at the Turn of a New Age: Documents From the Historical Archives of St.Petersburg. Conference on «The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: 100 Years». Ryadh, 1999. (In English).
  • Russia and the Arab Maghrib (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia). Russia and the East. St.Petersburg, 2000, 2002, 2011. (In Russian).
  • Al-Andalus y el Iraq: Viajes e intercambios culturales durante los siglos X-XIII. (На исп.) // Entre Oriente y Occidente. Ciudades y viajeros en la edad media. Universidad de Granada. 2005. (In Spanish).
  • Documents on the History of the Russian-Arabian Relations in the 19th–1st Half of the 20th C. // Al-Watheekah. Historical Documents Center. The Kingdom of Bahrain. No.52. July 2007/ Gomada II, 1428 H. (In English).
  • Sheikh at-Tantawi (1810-1861) – Professor of Oriental Studies at the University of St.Petersburg and His Collection of Manuscripts // 24th Congress of the UEAI. Leipzig, Sept.24-28, 2008. (In English).
  • Ahmad Zaki Pasha – a “Sheikh of Arabism” and his letters from Al-Andalus (1893) // Abstracts.  25th Congress of the UEAI, Naples, 2010. (In English).
  • “Kitab ar-Rihla” in the age of “an-Nahda”: Egyptian Scholars on Europe and Russia in the 19th C. (R. Tahtawi, M. Tantawi, A. Zaki) // Visions of Homeland in Modern Arabic Literature. Georg-August Univ. of Goettingen, 2011. (In English).
  •  Islamic Mysticism in Northern Africa: Spiritual Legacy of Shadhiliya // 26th Congress. Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 26). Univ.of Basel, Sept. 12-16, 2012.  (In English).
  • “Ghusn al-Andalus al-ratib...” – “a Fresh Branch of Al-Andalus”  in the works of I.Krachkovski. Commemorating the 130th Anniver. of Krachkovski and the 700th Anniversary of Ibn al-Khatib // 27th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants. Helsinki, June 2-6, 2014. Program&Abstracts. Ed.UEAI. P.26. (In English).
  • Russia and the Arab World on the Eve of W.W.I. // The First World War. Abstracts. International Symposium. 12-15 Nov.2014. Akdeniz University, Antalya. 2014. P.38-39. (In English).
  • Travelogues in the Age of the Nahḍa: 19th Century Egyptian Scholars on Europe and Russia // Representations and Visions of Homeland in Modern Arabic Literature. Edited by Sebastian Günther and Stephan Milich. Hildesheim-Zuerich-New York: Georg Olms Verlag. 2016. P.43-52. (In English).

