Rysakova Polina I.

Associate professor

Рысакова П.И.


  • St.Petersburg
  • 199034
  • Universitetskaya emb., Build. 11, Office 4a


  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • 2004–2007: PhD in Sociology, minor in history and theory of sociology. Faculty of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University (2007). PhD Dissertation: “Theoretical and Methodological foundation of sociological research of education as a social system (Chinese education as example)”.
  • 2001–2004: M.A. with Honor in Oriental and African studies, minor in history of China, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St. Petersburg State University (2004), Diploma: «Higher education in China in the 19 th cent.»
  • 1996–2001: B.A. with Honor in Oriental and African studies, minor in history of China, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St. Petersburg State University (2001); Degree Diploma: “Chinese higher education reform in the second half of the 19th cent.”

Professional positions:

  • Current 2017 – Academic director of the Master Program “Contemporary China: Economy, Politics, Society” Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia.
  • 2013 – till now – Associate professor, Department of Theory of Social Development of Asian and African Countries, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia.
  • 2012–2016 – Researcher, Scientific Research Center in Novgorod State University, Russia.
  • 2008–2013 – Associate professor, Department of the Humanitarian Studies, Institute of Television, Business and Design, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
  • 2007–2013 – Associate professor, Department of Sociology and Political Studies, Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, Russia.
  • 2003–2008 – Lecturer, Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Awarded Grants:

  • Grant of Russian foundation of fundamental research (RFFI). Competition of international research projects in cooperation with German Scientific Foundation (DFG). Chinese Perceptions of Russia and the West during the 290 th century: changes, continuity and contingencies. 2017–2019.
  • Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the State support of young PhD researchers. "Research perspectives of Russian sociology of education in the context of globalization". Mk-367.2013.6, 2013–2014.
  • Russian foundation of fundamental research (RFFI) Competition of research projects carried out by young scientists under the guidance of Doctors of Science in research institutions of the Russian Federation. "Comparative analysis of the national and regional schools of sociology of education" RFFI 12–06–90826-mol_rf_nr (Principal Investigator).
  • Taiwan Fellowship (Ministry of Foreign Affairs ROC, Taiwan national central library Center for Chinese studies). Research on "Educational Ideal in 18th-19th centuries China" in Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, January-April 2012.

Professional activities:

  • Russian sociological association


  • Russian (native),
  • Chinese (fluent),
  • English (fluent)

Research interests:

  • Sociology of education,
  • history of education in Asia,
  • globalization of educatuon


Courses taught:

  • Geopolitics of Asian and African States
  • Methodological Problems of current Chinese studies
  • Traditional and Modern Systems of education in Asia
  • Chinese culture and Ethnography
  • Sociological concepts of contemporary society
  • Sociological concepts of Consumption in contemporary society
  • Modern Mass Media systems in Asia

Selected Publications:

  • 包麗娜. 明清時期的傳統教育轉型初探 // 变化中的明清江南社会与文化 — 上海, 2016, 第五册, 175–182页.
  • Rysakova P. Perceptions of the outer World under the patriotic education campaign in China // 21st Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies. St. Petersburg, August 23–28, 2016: Book of Abstracts / Ed. by A. A. Rodionov. St. Petersburg: NP-PRINT, 2016. 268 p. P.151. St. Petersburg, 2016. P. 151.
  • Rysakova P. I. School segregation of ethnic minorities. — Global sociology of education: solving social problems by education: foreign experience. Ed. by Osipov A. M. Veliky Novgorod, 2015. 300 P. P. 20–56.
  • Rysakova P. I. Status of theoretical knowledge in modern education: new approaches in contemporary sociology of education // Works of the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, 2015. T. 208, pp. 289–297.
  • Rysakova P. I. Pedagogical ideal of education system in Chinese society in late Imperial period, XVIII-XIX centuries. // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts, 2015. Vol. 23, N° 2. P. 69–80.
  • Rysakova P. I. Educational Projects of “global citizenship” in the Republic of Korea // New Trends sociocultural changes in Korean and Russian countries. St. Petersburg, 2015. P. 130–138.
  • Russian sociology of education in global scholar space / Rysakova P. I., Osipov A. M., Matveeva N. A., Ivanova V. I. // Global sociology of education: the collective monograph / A. M. Osipov, V. A. Ivanov, P. I. Rysakova, J. Ballantyne, L. G. Titarenko , A. Rubanov, V. I. Astakhov, E. G. Mihayleva, E. V. Bataeva, V. S. Vostryakov, G. E. Zborowski, E. A. Shuklina, N. A. Matveeva; ed. A. M. Osipov; NovSU them. Yaroslav the Wise. Veliky Novgorod, 2014. 346 P. Novgorod: Novgorod State University publishing them. Yaroslav the Wise, 2014. P. 291–321.
  • Theoretical directions of Sociology of Education / Rysakova P. I., Osipov A. M., Ivanov V. I. // Global sociology of education: the collective monograph / A. M. Osipov, V. A. Ivanov, P. I. Rysakova, J. Ballantyne, L. G. Titarenko, A. Rubanov, V. I. Astakhov, E. G. Mihayleva, E. V. Bataeva, V. S. Vostryakov, G. E. Zborowski, E. A. Shuklina, N. A. Matveeva; ed. A. M. Osipov; NovSU them. Yaroslav the Wise. Veliky Novgorod, 2014. 346 P. Novgorod: Novgorod State University publishing them. Yaroslav the Wise, 2014. P. 67–149.
  • Rysakova P. I. Local to the Global in the East Asian educational sociology // Rozenbergovsky collection. Oriental studies and materials. Saint-Petersburg, 2014. P. 395–410.
  • Rysakova P. I. Eleştirel Pedagoji: Toplumsal Yeniden Uretim Mekanizması Olarak Eğitim // Eleştirel Eğitim Seçkisi. Editörler Nevzat Samet Baykal Ayhan Ural Zepnep Alica. Ankara, Turkey, 2014. P. 400 p, 1–9.
  • Rysakova P. I. Local sociologies in the context of globalization - politics and science / / Vestnik Sankt-Peterburskogo Universiteta Kultury I iskusstv. № 4 (17), 2013. S. 179–182.
  • Rysakova P.I. (co-author.) Contemporary Sociology of Education in Russia : some results and problems of development / / Sociological Studies (Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya), 2013. № 5, pp. 95–103, Impact-factor — 1,364, http://www.isras.ru/files/File/Socis/2013_5/Ivanova_Matveeva.pdf.
  • Rysakova P. I. (in co-author.) Sociology of education in Russia // Global Sociology of Education. Velikiy Novgorog, Moscow, 2013. 345 P. 313–338 P.
  • Rysakova P. I. (in co-author.) Sociology of Education in Russia //  Global sociology of education. Novgorod State University, 2012. P. 345, pp. 313–336. (перевод)
  • Rysakova P. I. Sociological problem of the definition of “leisure” // Journalism of leisure. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 2012. P. 303, pp. 17–24.
  • Rysakova P. I. Sociocultural character of women’s education in traditional Chinese society / / Vestnik Russkoi Hrisitanskoi Akademii, 2011. T. 1/12. P. 313 pages, 133–144. (перевод)
  • Rysakova P. I. Educational system in Chinese society, Aletheiya Press, 2010.

